besides the day when about 50 honey bees found their way into our cabin the trip up north was purely a joy. turns out you can't prop your door open for 3 hours without some local creatures entering to investigate maple syrup!
I caught a Great Norhtern on Little Deer Lake, but it was too small to keep. which was okay by me. I couldn't imagine being fully alright with the process from lake to table anyway.
in the nights the lullaby songs from the Loones and the snap crackle of forest brush against mysterious animal hooves kept us happily indoors. except for a couple of brief adventures outside in the dark to see the enormously brilliant wash of stars above us we stayed happily enclosed in our turn of the century cabin overlooking the big lake.
on one 2 and half minute adventure outside after sunset we mistakened the sound of a boat engine in the distance for a hungry wolf lurking just beyond our vision, and peeled across the field back to safety before we became another's late night snack!
so here we are, home again. was it all just a dream? nope, we've got the mosquito bites to prove it.
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